Book Review : Think Again by Adam Grant

2 min readMay 11, 2021

Adam Grant has always a new take on matters on conventional matters. These topics are usually open and shut cases that he challenges with a new perspective altogether. However, I feel that this book is highly tailored for few people who have certain experiences in life and have experienced an epiphany where they understood how flawed our thought processes are. However, belonging to Pakistan and from a certain background, my assumption might lose its significance as you move towards the west.

This book forces you to rethink the way you spend your life and hold certain assumptions about life. This journey of learning is experienced by individuals who completed a multi-disciplinary degree or have any interest in social sciences. It's mostly relevant to people who have specialized in a certain discipline or have been in a certain role that has molded them into a rigid individual with one lens to view the world. The Dunning Kruger Effect is that once you start to learn about something, you reach mount stupid where your confidence escalates but your knowledge is not at par. Once you progress forward, you lose confidence and reach an equilibrium. In simple words, the more you know, the less you know. You learn about the limitations of your knowledge and how nuanced the world around is you.

The main take-out from the book is to keep questioning the world around you and keep yourself open to new experiences and changes in life. Human civilization has moved forward with a few distinguishing characteristics and one of them is the art of asking questions. We have been asking for about 4000 years, how the seasons on our earth change, and the answer has been different in every century. Similarly, there many questions out there that might remain the same but answers might keep updating. We should be able to absorb these changing answers and move along with them. Right now, we might be shifting to cryptocurrency in a few years but few individuals find out to be a fad from where which few manipulators are earning. We might not know the answer, but we should give it the benefit of doubt to everything around us and be prepared for the worse, and expect the best. Keep questioning yourself and your surroundings.




Had a brief journey of entrepreneurship by starting off with a restaurant from the scratch. Moved towards a career in HR and still exploring what’s ahead!