
2 min readApr 29, 2021

There certain songs that strike a chord in your memory lane and positions you back in the past. You feel that you’ve relived the entire moment in a matter of few seconds and regardless of the nature of experience, it sows a seed of regret of what not done and what could be done in life. As Danish Philsopher named Soren Kierkegaard puts it ‘ Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forward’.

Nostalgia is a painful pleasure that most people love experiencing desipite its consequences. We tend to live in the past until we realize that we’ve reached our destination and look back again to the times lost. If we focus on the present that we might not make new memories purposefully. Maybe it's regret that pushes us to find a better experience than the best and in the struggle, we unintentionally create better memories. It's when we look back and realize what we have lost and what can not be achieved. Life is an eternal mirage of happiness that keeps us blind and tricks us into believing that the past was always better. As every year goes by, the opportunity cost of our experiences multiples and we reach closer to death. It's always the past we find better because we find life in it and forward we find death. It's the past that you always had and always will, the next second could be death.

It's the endless vicious cycle in turn takes out the meaning in your life. But all it takes is one good day to create a memory and to live in it. That is enough to anchor upon and feel the nostalgia and the life you’ve lived. We always find the past better because there is no better version of it even if we reimagine the world. There certain painful experiences in the past that make certain moments of life meaningful and there certain moments of happiness that lures us into sadness by the thought of their departure. Life is bound to change and will always sow a seed of regret that will lead us to nostalgia.




Had a brief journey of entrepreneurship by starting off with a restaurant from the scratch. Moved towards a career in HR and still exploring what’s ahead!